Lysine - action, occurrence, properties

Lysine - action, occurrence, properties

Lysine is an organic chemical compound, an amino acid, i.e. a building block of proteins. It belongs to the group of essential and exogenous amino acids, i.e. amino acids that the body does not produce itself, so it must be provided in food. Its deficiency may result in serious health consequences, which is why it is increasingly often found in the form of supplements. Why else should we pay attention to this ingredient? Read on to find out.

Everything you need to know about lysine

Lysine in the form of a supplement is increasingly being taken, in particular by those involved in sports, gym training or those wishing to lose weight. Why? Because it supports protein synthesis in the body, particularly in muscles and bones, and therefore accelerates muscle mass gain and the regeneration of damaged tissues. It also influences the absorption of calcium. Thanks to the combination of these characteristics, it therefore has a beneficial effect not only on muscles, but also on bones and joints. It is therefore one of the key ingredients necessary during growth, and useful for intensive training. Equally importantly for those on a weight loss diet, this amino acid also has an important function in the production of L-carnitine, a compound responsible for proper fat metabolism, muscle regulation and energy production. All this means that a high intake of lysine has a beneficial effect on weight loss, muscle mass building and tissue, muscle and bone regeneration (especially after injury and trauma).

Lysine also has a positive effect on the elasticity and good condition of the skin, and therefore helps to maintain a youthful appearance. It also helps to look after the health of tendons, bones and cartilage tissue. It also supports the prevention of osteoporosis.

This amino acid also supports concentration and boosts energy. Lysine deficiency can cause chronic fatigue and irritability, as well as anaemia and hair loss. If lysine intake is too low, there may also be a tendency to infections, recurring herpes and metabolic disorders. Lysine has also been shown to play a role in preventing the formation and spread of cancer cells - especially when combined with antioxidants such as vitamin C, for example.

Occurrence of l-lysine

Lysine is found in many foods. The richest sources are mainly zoonotic foods, so vegetarians and vegans, as well as people on restrictive diets and starvation diets, are often at risk of lysine deficiency. However, people eating a 'normal' diet may also be deficient in lysine. Products in which significant amounts of lysine can be found include:

  • cheeses,
  • fish,
  • eggs,
  • meat, especially red meat,
  • soya,
  • beans,
  • potatoes,
  • almonds,
  • whole grain products (bread, pasta, cereals),
  • hemp seeds.

Supplementing the diet with these foods should crack down on lysine deficiency. Those with a significant deficiency, an increased need (for example, the elderly, those recovering from injury, those affected by herpes or herpes zoster, those who train intensively) or for some reason unable to consume the above foods should consider supplementation.

Does lysine help with acne?

A popular use of lysine is to take it in case of a recurring herpes virus. This is because, when taken in large quantities, this substance has an antiviral and antibacterial effect and thus supports our immunity. In addition, lysine also accelerates healing, thus protecting against unsightly discolouration. These properties mean that lysine supplementation can also prove helpful in the fight against acne. People who notice an increase in acne symptoms during periods of weakness or illness have the best chance of reducing imperfections through the use of lysine. This substance may even prove to be as effective as the antibiotics prescribed for this condition by dermatologists.

How does lysine with vitamin C work?

Lysine and vitamin C are two substances that play an essential role in the normal functioning of our body. Both are also essential for cell growth and the production of hormones, antibodies and enzymes. Lysine is the second substance after vitamin C to block the spread of viruses. Both lysine and vitamin C and other minerals also play a very important role during the construction of collagen. They therefore enable cartilage, bones, teeth, skin and blood vessels to function properly. Both substances are necessary for the proper absorption of calcium, improving concentration, fighting inflammation and alleviating cold and flu symptoms. It is therefore worth supplementing them at the same time, as neither lysine nor vitamin C is produced by our body on its own.

Lysine and its properties

Why is this inconspicuous amino acid so beneficial and widespread? Well, it is involved in a great many processes in the body. Where is lysine essential? Here are its properties:

  • participates in protein synthesis, mainly in muscles and bones,
  • plays an important role in the formation of collagen (a component of connective tissue, responsible for the elasticity, flexibility, firmness of skin cells and tendons, bones, cartilage, blood vessel walls),
  • is involved in the formation of enzymes, hormones and antibodies,
  • has a key function in the production of L-carnitine, which, among other things, controls fat metabolism,
  • assists in the absorption of calcium.

Lysine deficiency, especially chronic deficiency, may therefore cause disturbances in many processes necessary for the body to function properly. It is therefore worth taking a good look at this component and, if necessary, supplementing its levels.

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