Liposomal vitamin C - effects, properties, occurrence

Liposomal vitamin C - effects, properties, occurrence

Liposomal vitamin C is nothing more than vitamin C particles in a lipid envelope. This form does not irritate the stomach and is much better absorbed than traditional vitamin C lozenges (up to 98% absorption into the body). In turn, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) itself is essential for normal human functioning. As it is not produced by our body - it must be supplied with food.

Effect of liposomal vitamin C

The first thought that usually comes to mind when we hear the phrase 'vitamin C' is 'immunity'. And of course, this is a correct association, but ascorbic acid has many more benefits - it facilitates the healing of wounds, aids the absorption of iron into the body, strengthens teeth and gums (among other things, it helps prevent tooth decay) and even has a positive effect on the psyche. In addition, it is an effective antioxidant and therefore prevents skin ageing (hence the use of vitamin C in the cosmetics industry).

Liposomal vitamin C - occurrence

Vegetables and fruit are natural sources of vitamin C. Acerola (1000-4500 mg), camu camu (1230-2060 mg), rosehip (250-800 mg), sea buckthorn (200-315 mg), and blackcurrant (150-300 mg) are proven to have the highest content (per 100 g). The following citrus fruits are also rich in vitamin C: pomelo (61 mg), lemon (53 mg), orange (50 mg), red and white grapefruit (34-38 mg), lime (29 mg), and tangerines (27 mg).

Few people know that excellent sources of vitamin C are tomatoes, green peppers and cabbage (especially sauerkraut - 18 mg in 100 g), as well as kiwi, blueberries, broccoli, apples, asparagus or spinach. 12 mg in 100 g of vegetable is the dose of vitamin C for potatoes. However, it is worth knowing here that the longer potatoes are stored, the more the amount of the vitamin in them decreases.

Plants (trees and shrubs) rich in vitamin C include (in addition to the sea buckthorn already mentioned): barberry, rowan, cranberry and calla.

However, it is important to remember that the vitamin C contained in food is extremely sensitive to heat and direct contact with air. This means that it is best absorbed by eating fresh fruit and vegetables. Lemon added to hot tea, for example, no longer contains as much of the vitamin as we would expect.

Liposomal vitamin C for the face

By now, most women have surely heard about the positive effects of vitamin C on the skin. The vitamin is often referred to as the elixir of youth, as it has an antioxidant effect on cells and inhibits the ageing process. Although vitamin C is a popular ingredient in many cosmetics, not everyone is aware that topical preparations containing it are highly unstable. In practice, this means that in contact with the external environment, they are oxidised and quickly lose their properties. However, this does not mean that we cannot use vitamin C through external application on the face. The solution to the problem of instability is the use of liposomal vitamin C, i.e. a vitamin with the highest quality carriers - microscopic liposomes. Thanks to them, the vitamin is better protected from external factors, more stable and perfectly absorbed. Liposomes ensure that the vitamin C can reach the inside of the cells and start its action there. But how can this substance help our skin? Liposomal vitamin C soothes inflammation, firms, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and improves skin tone. The most convenient way to use it is to take liposomal gels orally or apply them directly to the skin. In the latter case, however, it is advisable to precede the application with a steam bath, which cleanses the skin and expands the pores, thus facilitating the transport of vitamin C into the deep layers of the tissues.

Liposomal vitamin C - properties

Although we all know very well how important it is for the proper functioning of our body to receive an adequate amount of vitamin C on a daily basis, we are often reminded of this when we become aware of vitamin C deficiencies. Signals that should worry us are: lack of appetite, fatigue, weakness, depression, listlessness, reduced immunity, difficulty healing wounds, joint and muscle pain, ease of bruising, irritability and nervousness. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to dangerous anaemia, burst blood vessels, scurvy or asthma.

It is worth bearing in mind that the body's requirement for ascorbic acid increases in pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as in the elderly, diabetics or those suffering from hypertension. In addition, a higher daily dose of vitamin C should be taken by people subjected to prolonged physical exertion, as well as those who smoke cigarettes.

Excessive doses of vitamin C in people with sensitive stomachs may in turn cause nausea, diarrhoea or vomiting. Usually, however, the excess is excreted in the urine. However, dosage should be meticulously observed in people prone to kidney stones and pregnant women.

In the daily diet, it is advisable to ensure that the correct amount of ascorbic acid is provided in the diet. Of course, fresh fruit and vegetables will help (according to the principle - the less heat treatment - the more vitamin C).

When the amount of vitamin C from natural products is not sufficient and there are worrying signs of deficiency, the best solution is to visit a medical specialist. He or she will recommend appropriate vitamin C supplementation. However, it is worth bearing in mind the enormous difference in bioavailability to the body between "ordinary" and liposomal vitamin C.

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