Fenugreek and its medicinal use

Fenugreek and its medicinal use

Fenugreek is a plant which is commonly used as a spice, especially in Asian cuisines. In Poland, it can mainly be found in curry-type spice mixtures. On the market, of course, it is also available on its own - in seeds or ground. However, not everyone is aware that fenugreek can not only enrich the taste of dishes, but also has numerous health properties.

Fenugreek cures high cholesterol and the heart

First and foremost, fenugreek helps to reduce the amount of "bad cholesterol" LDL in the body. This is due to the presence of steroidal saponions, whose function is to enhance cholesterol metabolism and delay the absorption of fatty compounds. It follows from this fact, therefore, that fenugreek reduces the risk of atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. Thanks to a substance present in the plant called galactomannan, it also has a good effect on the heart. Fenugreek contains a high proportion of potassium, which also contributes to the proper functioning of both the heart and the circulatory system.

Fenugreek for the digestive system and during a diet

Fenugreek is extremely versatile when it comes to the digestive system, blood sugar levels or dietary support. The plant is effective during digestive problems, such as unpleasant flatulence. It also supports the treatment of stomach ulcers due to the presence of polysaccharides, which form a protective layer around the affected gastric mucosa. Fenugreek has a high fibre content, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. It counteracts the possibility of colon cancer. It also adequately protects the liver due to the presence of the antioxidant silymarin, which is a common substance used in liver diseases. Fenugreek can prove to be an effective treatment for hyperacidity and heartburn. It also lowers blood glucose levels and improves insulin secretion. However, not everyone appreciates that fenugreek is used during a weight loss diet and physical activity. Due to the presence of fibre, it can reduce appetite. In addition, it acts as a natural fat burner, which can support the effects of exercises used for weight reduction.

Other properties of fenugreek

The plant can also be used during colds and flu as it has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic properties. It supports the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases. It can be used as a remedy to help combat unpleasant female discomforts such as painful menstruation and menopausal discomfort. The plant also increases the level of lactation among breastfeeding women, and this effect is already visible after just a few days of taking fenugreek.

Fenugreek for aesthetic problems

Health problems sometimes manifest themselves externally in the form of acne or weakened hair. In this case, too, fenugreek can have a beneficial effect, albeit applied externally. If one has a problem with skin lesions, a face wash with fenugreek seed concentrate can help to soothe the skin. The plant can also be used for hair loss and weak hair. Simply use a fenugreek seed concentrate as a scalp pack and apply it systematically over a specific treatment period, for example one month. The effect of a fenugreek-based scalp pack is to stop hair loss, strengthen the hair and promote hair growth.

The fenugreek plant is therefore versatile in its effects, as the above-mentioned examples of use attest. It is worthwhile incorporating it into one's diet, even in the kitchen, in order to benefit from its beneficial properties prophylactically. If, however, your health problems are at some stage advanced, it will be more effective to support your treatment with fenugreek in the form of regular infusions of fenugreek seed. Simply pour a small amount of fenugreek seed in boiling water and then consume the brewed decoction.

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