Caprylic Acid - Action, Deficiency Symptoms, Incidence

Caprylic Acid - Action, Deficiency Symptoms, Incidence

Caprylic acid belongs to the group of saturated fats. It is a substance that is very much needed by people, as supplying an adequate amount of it to our body brings with it a whole host of advantages. One of these is its proven anti-yeast activity, which translates into the destruction of even large colonies of these in the human intestines. This is extremely important for our health, as yeasts secrete a whole host of toxic substances. In addition, by combining with elements such as calcium, zinc or magnesium, as well as potassium, this acid has a preventive effect on diarrhoea and inflammation in the digestive tract. Furthermore, it accelerates the healing of any ulcers on both intestines.

It also has a role in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, according to an increasing number of studies, caprylic acid is an indispensable aid in reducing sugar cravings. Caprylic acid acts in such a way that it sends information to our brain about the feeling of satiety, and therefore can help ourselves a little in persevering with our diet and healthy lifestyle. It is also important to note that, as it is dissolved in fat, it has an effect on bacterial cells, which it inhibits much better than propionic or acetic acid. Adequate dosage of this substance can prevent the onset of various bacterial diseases of our digestive tract.

Caprylic Acid deficiency

An inadequate amount of caprylic acid in our body may result in chronic candidiasis. It is worth supplementing with this very useful acid, as possible problems associated with candida overgrowth can occur through factors such as:

  • poor diet,
  • long-term use of antibiotics,
  • weakened immune system,
  • frequent medical conditions,
  • nutritional deficiencies,
  • impaired liver function,
  • altered intestinal flora.

The general symptoms of candidiasis are chronic fatigue, lack of energy, decreased libido and malaise, but also bloating and flatulence, intestinal cramps, itching in the rectal area, changes in bowel function or thrush. In addition, frequent bladder or vaginal infections, menstrual problems, depression, inability to concentrate or allergies and hypersensitivity to chemicals combined with a decrease in immunity may be indicative of candidiasis. Successful treatment of this disease requires appropriate correction of the factors that allow the rapid development of mycosis fungoides and various types of bacteria.

Caprylic Acid for vaginal mycoses

Due to the fact that caprylic acid exhibits antifungal properties, it is very often used to treat Candida yeast infection, which can attack not only a person's digestive system or skin, but also their genitourinary system. The infection usually occurs due to an imbalance of the microflora or an impaired functioning of the immune system. When yeasts have favourable conditions for growth, they colonise excessively in specific organs, in this case precisely in the intimate areas, where they lead to fungal vaginitis. It is estimated that at least 75% of women suffer from this condition once in their lifetime, and 5-10% of them develop recurrent mycosis. Symptoms of this disease include an itching sensation and discharge in the form of white discharge. Treatment is usually carried out with vaginal globules, but over-the-counter caprylic acid is also highly effective. It works by binding to the membranes of the fungal cells and causing them to rupture, thereby destroying the cells. This substance proves most beneficial when used together with zinc, tin, copper and colloidal silver. It is also recommended to combine caprylic acid with aloe vera, which helps to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans more effectively, while stimulating the growth of beneficial lactobacillus bacteria.

Occurrence of Caprylic Acid

Caprylic Acid is fortunately found in a whole host of well-known foods, such as vegetable fats, coconut oil and palm oil, but also in animal fats such as sheep and goat spare fat. It is also found in the milk fat of rabbits and chamois. It gives the cheese its special aroma. So there is plenty to choose from, although of course it should be borne in mind that no one is likely to choose rabbit milk as a source of this acid, which is very important for our health.

As far as artificial sources of this valuable substance are concerned, the sources needed for adequate supplementation can be found in any pharmacy. The product should have a maximised effect, so each tablet should contain approximately 350 mg of this substance. If you have any problems or doubts, your pharmacist will be happy to help you. Storage conditions for this acid are also important, as it should be in a glass and dark container.

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